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V12.4.43 - Service Training ‘Tweaks’




Text Box: Valid from version 12.4.43




Thanks to all those who attended our Service Training course in early July. As a result of discussions during the day, a number of ‘tweaks’ have been made. These are detailed below.


      Time Clock

A Refresh button has been added.

Magix will check to make sure another user has not simultaneously also clocked off the same Technician.

You can now change the ‘on’ time for a tech without having to enter an ‘off’ time.

Rounds the ‘Time Sold’ to the nearest .05 (for example 1.83 will become 1.85) on Retail Invoices. This is a flag that can be turned off.


      Blank RO’s. This process has been tidied up; Create and Update a blank RO via Service-Other-Blank RO.


      Motorweb BVI will now work when you add a Service Record via Maintenance.



Now create automatic workshop charges.

In Service-Inquiries-Customer there is a button to show any estimates.

Shows in the WIP screen when creating a new RO.


      Service Record Inquiries

Invoices Button shows all closed invoices (button blank if none).

WIP Button shows all WIP Invoices (button blank if none).


      Customer Email Addresses. If you delete all email addresses from the Email button Magix will also remove the email address from the front screen if either P-Private or F-Farmer.


      Split invoices, when you split an invoice, Magix will open another window that contains the split invoice, the original invoice is in the normal window.


      There is a button in the ‘Parts Fitted’ inquiry on the service record to ‘Sort by Date’.


      The WOF & Next Service Due dates in the ‘Info Requried’ screen have been swapped.