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V12.4.24 - GL Distribution




Text Box: Valid from version 12.4.24 




‘GL Distribution’ is the automatic allocation to GL accounts codes based on %.



In this example when you post to 9100/09 it will separate the posting as shown by % i.e. if you post $100 to GL 9100/09 Magix will ‘distribute’ $10 to 9100/01, $15 to 9100/02, $20 to 9100/05 etc.




      To setup a GL Account for Distribution use Admin-GL-GL Chart-GL Distribution.


      You can use the GL Account code in the Distribution list (in this case GL Account Code 9100/09 has a GL Distribution of 30%).


      When posting a GL Journal Magix will ask you if you want to ‘Apply GL Distribution’.


      When posting Sundry Invoices, Cash Payments, Cash Receipts or Confirming Purchase Orders Magix will automatically apply ‘GL Distribution’.


      Magix will not apply GL Distribution during any other accounting process, for example parts and service batching.


      If the GL Distribution setup on a GL Account does not equal 100%, Magix will not attempt to ‘Apply GL Distribution’.