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V12.3 Changes to Accounts Receivable Month End Processing.



Text Box: Valid from version 12.3.06 



There have been a number of changes to this process including an update to the Interest Charge process and changes to the Menu Structure.


1.  Menu Structure


In Admin-Accounts Receivable, the ‘Month End Processing’ menu contains

      Age Analysis Print

      Interest Charges

      Statement Print

      Month End Roll Over




2.  Interest Charges


This process has been changed to work on the screen instead of a report as it did previously.



After you complete this screen Magix will scan through the AR database and present qualifying customers as shown below.



      Double Click on a Customer to remove the Interest Charge. This will ‘Un-tick’ the Customer Interest Charge tick box.


      Click on Modify Customer Setup to go to the Customer Setup screen where you can change for instance, the Interest Charge tick box (so the customer is never considered for an interest charge in the future), Account Status, Credit Limit etc.


      Once you have reviewed all, go to the end of the list and hit DONE. Magix will then prompt, ‘Tick Box to Process these Interest Charges’.