Explanation of the GL Chart Maintenance screen

To view the GL Chart of Accounts you would first navigate to it:

Administration -> GeneralLedger -> GL Chart -> Add Modify

To modify a specific account enter the Account No or, as in this case, to display the accounts of an entire department enter the Dept No; in this case it is 05 for Parts Inventory.

Below is an image of a Parts Department’s Sales account chart (3400 – 3499):

And again an image of a Parts Department’s Cost Of Sales account chart (4400 – 4499):

You can see in the two preceding images that the listings have an “Account Seq” assigned to each one; click here to see specific information.

An explanation of Generic Department and Account numbers

The generic Dept No’s are as follows; yours may differ:

01                         New
02                          New Commercials (not widely used any more)
03                         Used
04                          Used Commercials (not widely used any more)
05                         Parts
06                         Service
09                         Administration
10                          Finance Dept (usually only used in large operations)

When viewing the Chart of Accounts you will see that there are many different conventions with the account numbers.

The generic Account No’s are as follows; again, yours may differ:

3000   ->      3099   New vehicle Sales
4000   ->      4099   New vehicle Cost Of Sales
3100   ->      3199   New Commercial Sales
4100   ->      4199   New Commercial Cost Of Sales
5xxx                       New vehicle Costs (including advertising, loan car expenses and training etc), this includes commercials if applicable to your dealership

3200   ->      3299   Used vehicle Sales
4200   ->      4299   Used vehicle Cost Of Sales
3300   ->      3399   Used Commercial Sales
4300   ->      4399   Used Commercial Cost Of Sales
6xxx                       Used vehicle Costs (including advertising, salaries, grooming and training etc), this includes commercials if applicable to your dealership

3400   ->      3499   Parts Sales
4400   ->      4499   Parts Cost Of Sales
7xxx                       Parts Department Costs (including advertising, salaries, promotions, freight and training etc)

3600   ->      3699   Service Department Sales
4600   ->      4699   Service Department Cost Of Sales
8xxx                       Service Department Costs (including advertising, salaries, equipment maintenance, tools and training etc),

9xxx                       Unapplied or company overhead.