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V12.4.47 - Count WOF & Service Reminders



Text Box: Valid from version 12.4.47 




This new option found in Marketing-System-Count WOF Service Reminders counts the # of WOF & Service Reminders due between the entered date range.



      In this example there are 1333 due between the date range.


      624 or 46% will be posted (as no email address has been captured) costing $436.80.


      709 or 54% will be emailed (assuming this is activated) at a saving of $496.30.



Magix is also showing of the 1333 how many have a WOF & Service Date within 30 days of 121 and within 60 days 35.


The reason this is calculated is to analyse the # of reminders that will receive a WOF reminder followed by a Service reminder as the dates are different.


      You have options to Report or Make the Service Date the same if within 30/60 days.


      You can also tick the box to have Magix automatically do this when producing reminders.