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V12.4.38 - Standard Email Messages



Text Box: Valid from version 12.4.38




In this version of Magix it is now possible to set a standard ‘body’ email message.


Note: It is important that these are setup as many email systems put email messages that do not contain a ‘body’ to Spam.


These are setup in Utilities-Other-Standard Document Messages.



Use the ‘Create Std Email Message’ button to create the following standard messages.


Email Inv


Please find your tax invoice attached.


Payment may be remitted to our bank account number 12-3237-0011748-000 using your customer number as a reference.


Kind regards, Dealer Name.


Email Est


Please find your estimate attached.


You may wish to call our team on 04 385 2230 to discuss.


Kind regards, Dealer Name.


Please Note: This needs to be done in each physical branch.