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V12.4.37 - Service Invoice Splitting



Valid from version 12.4.37





In this version of Magix the way Split Invoicing operates has been reworked.


When you now split an Invoice, Magix will ask.


      A ‘split job’ lets you separate different ‘jobs’ on a single invoice, so it is effectively an invoice within an invoice. An example of a spilt job is shown.


      A ‘split invoice’ lets you separate different components and charge to a different customer.



To ‘split an invoice/job’ click on the  icon.



Enter the new Job#. Job# are letters, A B C etc. By default all items on an invoice are Job A. So to split the invoice to 2 jobs enter a Job# of B.


Then select the invoice lines you wish to move to the other job, in this example B.



The invoice will then separate the Jobs.


Note: There is a button to ‘Reset Split’. This resets the invoice back to normal.


Split Invoice


When you split Invoice, Magix will make the JOB# ‘Z’.


Magix will prompt you to identify both the Repair Type and Customer you wish to split to.




In this screen you


      Enter the Repair Type the Split Invoice is to be.

      Use the … to lookup the customer# or the IW Charge Code.


When you have finished, hit DONE or .



Now select the lines you wish to ‘split invoice’. After you have selected all the lines hit DONE or .


Magix will then move the selected lines to a new Invoice with the Customer and Repair Type details you have previously supplied.