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V12.4.16 - Service DOC Report




Text Box: Valid from version 12.4.16 



The Service DOC report has re-written to source its financial information directly from the GL. This report takes into account Opening and Closing WIP (the old report did not include Opening WIP).


The purpose of this change is so that the Service DOC report reflects the GL Profit & Loss Report.





      As this report is coming directly from the GL the budget figures used are also from the GL, there is no longer a need to maintain the separate budget figures as you had to with the old report.


      The report in a new month will not be complete until the Statements have been printed and the Month end rollover done. To get figures during this period use either Service-Reports-Gross Profit report or the new Service Dashboard.


      Column C & D is the GL Amount for the month less Opening WIP Amount (Net Posted Sales).


      Column C-G is the Net GL Amount including Opening WIP Amount. These figures are the same as the GL Profit & Loss Report.


      Coumn H & I is the WIP Amount.


      Column C+F+H & D+G+I is the Net Amount including WIP (GL Amount + Current WIP).