Overseas Parts Ordering



1.  In Parts-System-Control File-Modify Control File, on the 2nd screen you need to untick this box.



2.  Each overseas supplier needs to be flagged in Parts-System-Supplier Maintenance-Flag Settings.



Shipment Record.


The order creation process does not change; only when you come to receipt the order is there an additional step, the creation of a shipment record.


Go to Parts-Purchase Orders-Create Shipment Record.



Enter all the details as requested.


      In this example the order has a total overseas value of $4944, which at an exchange rate 0f .8012 = NZ$6170.74

      On top of this there is $500 of NZ Charges for Courier/Customers. So the landed NZ Value is $6670.74.

      The ‘Calc Factor’ is the Overseas invoice total of $4444 / Total NZ Value of $6670.74

      In the ‘Factor Used’ field always use a factor slightly higher than the calculated in this example 1.52.


This factor is used to calculate the individual landed cost of each part. So a part costing US$80 will equal NZ$121.60 (80*1.52).