Batch Header Addition

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In all modules the batch header shows the tran codes which are available for use.


By the Tran Code the system identifies whether the entries should debit or credits. Hence all input except for journals should  be entered  as debits. The system does the appropriate conversion to credits if required. For journal batch’s, all debits should be entered first followed by credits (with the credit sign entered before or after the amount).


If the user is familiar with the system you can enter debits and credits within the same batch.


For Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable and Vehicle batch’s the batch date should be in the current ledger date as per the Period End option on the main menu. If not then the system will warn the user. This does not prevent you from posting a following months Batch i.e.: creditor’s 20th invoices as they will remain un-updated until the system is rolled into that month.


Enter the Tran Code and Batch Description then the Date.


If you know the total of all the invoices or journals been posted then enter this as the prelist total else enter say 1.00 and let the system accumulate the batch total.


The system then enters the entry screen for that Tran Code.