Customer Inquiry and Maintenance


The customer enquiry screen in MagixPlus is the easiest way to enquire on customers of your organisation. This screen gives you a number of options when searching for a particular customer. The ‘Find By’ Box contains four Options the default is by ‘Keyword’.  The default can be globally changed to ‘Name’ if required. Contact ACS system support to change this. Once the Customers details are displayed Various Tab options are displayed one of which is ‘Update Customer.’ See Maintenance for these options.

Customer Number:
This field allows you to enter a part or specific number of a customer. If you enter only a part of the number, customers beginning with that number will be listed if you hit the ‘Numeric Search’ Tab at the bottom left of the screen. If you enter a specific number, the customer's details will be brought up on the screen instantly.

Customer Name:
This field allows you to enter a part or specific surname of a customer. The customer name/s that begins with name specified in your search criteria will be displayed.


Keyword Search:
This field searches for customers based on Customer Name or address details. Any customers with the entered keywords in either of the two fields (customer name or Address) will be displayed

Phone Number Search:
This field searches for customers based on Customer Phone Number. Entering a part of a phone number, will list all customers that match the phone number specified in your search criteria.

Capricorn #:
This field allows you to search for customers based on their Capricorn Number. See


Ages Search:

Select the Bottom Tab.
This field allows you to search for customers based on the Age of their account. The system will first age all Open Item Customers then list customer greater and equal to the age code you enter.


Next Contact Search:

Select the Bottom Tab.
This option allows you to search for customers who have any next contact dated data against their Customer record based on the date range you enter. Also an ideal way for credit controllers to control customers requiring follow up.


Old Number Search:

Select the Bottom Tab.
If your system was started via data conversion from another DSP then if the Customer Numbers on your Accounts Receivable Database have been realigned because of uniqueness when adding them into your current database then this option can be used to find a customer based on there old number.



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