SuperService Menus button


The first method of accessing Lookup is via the SuperService Menus button on the main page of the Service interface of Magix, this is indicated in the image below:



After clicking on ‘SuperService Menus’ you are presented with the lookup screen:



Magix will not automatically know the details of the vehicle/owner so you must enter a valid registration number to be able to create an appointment for the customer.


If a valid Registration number isn’t supplied at lookup time you cannot create an appointment. This method is purely for providing pricing details to customers and is used by your phone operators for access to quick information; think of it as a quick quote.


Without entering a registration number you choose a vehicle in the following way:


You would click on ‘…’ to select the Model as below:



Also note the name of the above page; ‘SuperService Lookup’ indicates where you came from to get to the lookup screen.


Clicking on the ‘…’ will present the ‘Family’ for selection as below:



Note: Click here to learn more about the ‘Family’ table and how it is maintained. This table is maintained for you, if you notice any irregularities pertaining to the ‘Model Series’ table, please use this link to email the SuperService representative at ACS Support.


After selecting the initial model of the vehicle Menu Pricing will allow you to further refine your search with choices of the ‘Model Series’ inside the family as below:



Note: Click here to learn more about the ‘Model Series’ table and how it is maintained. This table is also maintained for you, if you notice any irregularities pertaining to the ‘Model Series’ table, please use this link to email the SuperService representative at ACS Support.


You are then presented with another page allowing you to further refine your choice of specific model as below:



After selecting the model you require you are presented with the choice of operation; being Service, Repair/Replace and Accessories, as below:



Magix now knows which model you are looking up, although because it hasn’t been assigned a registration number and customer you cannot turn this into an appointment.