Parts Wrecking


Magix Plus has a facility to manage Parts Wrecking.


The theory behind this is to identify am Item you are wrecking as Individual Part # so that you may see both the items sold and from the report the amount ‘recovered’ from that item.


1.  Firstly you must create new part # for the item you are wrecking. Do this in Parts Inventory-Stock-Stock Maintenance-Add New Stock.


2.  Next retrieve the part# in ‘Stock Maintenance’, and in the ‘Setup’ tab tick the ‘Non Reducing’ & ‘Override Description’ fields.



3.  To sell something off the item you are wrecking, create a normal parts invoice and sell the part#, Magix will stop and ask for a ‘Description’ as well as the ‘Selling Price’.



4.  In Stock Item Inquiry, you click on the ‘Wrecking Status’ button to see the status of the item including what components have been sold and its ‘Financial Status’.




5.  In Parts-Inventory-Reports-Sundry Reports there is a ‘Wrecking Status’ Report.