PAF in Customer and Supplier Record



When the PAF is activated (this will be done by ACS after the file is loaded and co-ordinated with the Dealership), you will see the following when adding or Changing a Customer or Supplier.


     There is a new field PAF lookup. This is where you type your address to find.

     The Address and Post Code fields are ‘No Enter’, you cannot change these. These are automatically completed when you select a PAF address.


Note: The PAF is a Postal Address File, if the address you enter does not come up this means it is not a ‘recognised’ Postal Address. For example 186 Tuam Street Christchurch is a ‘Physical’ address but not a ‘Postal’ address so will not show up. In this case the correct ‘Postal Address’ is the Companies PO Box#.



To bypass the PAF lookup click on the ‘Ball’ Icon.